Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Discoveries

Earlier this evening, I ventured into the Foreign Language Building for a meeting that I had around 9pm. I had about ten minutes to spare and I needed to relieve my bladder of some pressure that it was experiencing. Unexpectedly, as I entered one of the stalls, I saw that almost every inch of it was covered in graffiti. I felt like I had won the lottery. I needed new material to work with, and wasn't content with the pictures in the file that I had from the English Building restrooms. Now. Now, my dear readers, I have a plethora of pictures. Many that I am excited to just share and not even analyze. Hopefully this weekend I can update you the many new occurrences on this campus-- the English Building was renovated over the summer, so the women's restroom on the first floor was completely redone, free of any graffiti...or so it was. And then I made my discoveries in FLB so the English Building will sit on the back-burner for now.

Soon you will see. Soon you will (hopefully) enjoy.