Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I don’t even know what to say about this. Probably that it’s the cutest Stegosaurus I’ve ever seen. Forget Jurassic Park or We’re Back! A Dinosaur’s Story or even The Land Before Time (one through infinity). Who has this much time to draw a huge dinosaur on a bathroom stall? I should have taken measurements so I could give you a better impression of him.

Could it have been an art major? Maybe. She must have been in a rush to not have made it as detailed as I would expect from an art major. Or it must have been rush hour in the women’s restroom at the Foreign Language Building and there wasn’t enough time: long lines and anxious women equal anarchy.

How about a visual communications major? My friend does a great job with graphics and illustrations. Very playful and clever. Perhaps this fine artist is in a similar field? I find faces the hardest things to draw. I’m not that bad at mastering the right eye, however, the heads of anything seem to be the most difficult. But this artist makes it seem so easy.

Maybe she just likes to draw and is good at it too. But honestly, who has enough time to draw a dinosaur on the wall? Was it before class? After? Feeling inspired by thinking about a nephew? Does it really matter at this point? Whoever you are, you had way too much time to draw this adorable creature and have done an excellent job at doing so. Kudos.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How are you feeling?

“How are you feeling today?”
“Poopy :)”

Indeed. As I said in my last post, I desperately needed to relieve some pressure that was building on my bladder. While the pressure was quickly disappearing, I admired the doodles, the messages, the quotes, and the responses written all around me. Of course the one dialogue that caught my eye is written at toilet-level to my right. It took me a second since my finger got caught in my belt, but it hit me. “How are you feeling?” she asked. “Poopy :)” answered the other girl.

At this moment in time, I am prying my finger from my belt buckle and thinking, “Does anyone really care how someone else is doing when they’re going?” The answer: no. Or at least, I hope not. Let’s be honest here: although it may be normal verbally to ask a roommate or a companion how they are doing while one is doing their thing on the seat (or standing), it’s a little more unusual to write your inquiry to strangers. Obviously the answerer had a punny response. It took me a second for it to click. Why smile after you just admitted to feeling poopy? Shouldn’t you be frowning if you’re poopy? Oh, wait! Pun on bowel movement and human emotion. Clever, indeed, lady. Clever indeed.

With a flush and a laugh, I couldn’t have been more excited to share this picture. I washed my hands and ran back into the stall, pulling out my camera from my purse. Thankfully my meeting was in the evening otherwise I’m sure students of all majors would have thought I was some weirdo taking pictures in bathroom stalls. Seriously though: if you were going to ask a question like that it deserves a playful response. Let me first express my gratitude to the answerer for not sharing her deepest darkest secret or saying that life could be better and all she wants to do is cry. No one really has time for that except for the Counseling Center (and close friends). Just cut across the Quad diagonally from the Foreign Language Building, walk in between Altgeld Hall and the Henry Administration Building and cross the street onto John Street and it’s the building to your right. They’ll listen to you better than the etches on the stalls of any restroom on campus.

I knew there were some clever people on this campus